Hearing loss is a common concern and implies the partial or complete inability to hear. It is caused by a variety of factors and affects people of all ages. Based on the cause, hearing impairment can be temporary or permanent, sudden or gradual. Not only is the inability to hear sounds clearly frustrating, but it can also have an impact on the emotional, social and psychological well-being of an individual. Being aware of the signs of hearing loss can enable you to identify the exact problem and take measures to prevent the problem from aggravating further.
However, which are the signs that you need to look out for?
In this page, we have listed common symptoms that will help you figure out changes in your ability to hear.
Asking People to Repeat
Ever noticed that you are not able to follow conversations?
When a person speaks, the voice ranges from high, low to mid frequencies. Hearing loss most commonly impacts the higher frequency range first. As a result, you may notice that you are not able to hear parts of sentences or misunderstand. While asking someone to repeat is not uncommon in group situations, often being unable to figure out words clearly and constantly being forced to ask ‘What?’ may be a sign of a hearing problem.
Feeling tired after a social gathering
Meeting family and friends is always fun but if you have a hearing concern, you may notice that you don’t enjoy like you once did. Concentrating on conversations can be difficult making social events an exhausting experience. You may feel tired after a social gathering as you have been exerting a lot of energy to process sounds and follow conversations.
Not being able to follow conversations in noisy environments
If a person is facing hearing loss, group conversations can be overwhelming. The inability to filter background noises can make it difficult to focus on words. You may miss out words or respond to a question inappropriately. You may also find people complaining that you don’t listen to them. As a result, you may want to withdraw from social situations and feel disconnected as you are not able to follow conversations as you did earlier.
The feeling that people are mumbling
We often rely on visual cues when trying to follow a conversation. However, in instances when a person is not facing you, it may appear that the person is mumbling. Since the person with a hearing concern is not able to see the lip movement and facial expression, understanding sentences become all the more difficult. This is especially true when speaking on the phone when even with a higher volume making sense of a conversation is difficult.
TV or radio is too loud
Have you ever been told that the volume of the TV or radio is louder than normal? While advertisements are structured to be loud to grab the attention of the viewer, the regular programs that you watch have fluctuations to create that mood and drama. If you notice that you need subtitles or are always increasing the volume to understand what is happening, it may indicate a hearing loss.
Buzzing sound in the ear
Exposure to sharp and loud noises often leads to a buzzing sound in the ear. This occurs as a result of the shock waves that lead to a temporary flattening of the hairs in the ears. After the hairs become normal, the buzzing sound disappears.
Tinnitus refers to the constant ringing sensation in the ear. It comes and goes and may be softer or louder. It is a form of hissing, whistling or ringing and may make your head feel heavy. This is especially more common at night as there are not too many external sounds. Tinnitus is often caused due to stress but may also occur due to hearing loss.
Speaking loudly
Have you ever been told that you speak loudly?
Hearing loss not only impacts our ability to hear but also the way the brain processes sound. In other words, an individual with hearing loss may end up speaking louder.
In case you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is best to get your hearing tested. A deterioration in the capacity to hear can be an emotional experience. So, it is best to recognize the warning signs and seek help. It is important not to delay as there is enough evidence that suggests that ignoring symptoms impacts your well-being in many ways.
You may have a lot of questions in mind as to where to go for a reliable consultation. We understand your concern and are here to help you. There are a lot of practical ways through which you can increase your ability to hear and follow conversations effortlessly. The earlier you make a move, the better for you. With our hearing loss solutions, you can ensure that you are always connected and prevent the isolation that a hearing impairment can bring.
We, at Active Audiology, are an independent hearing clinic and believe in offering unbiased solutions tailored to suit the individual needs of our clients. We have a complete range of options available and can suggest hearing aids that best address your hearing concern, suit your lifestyle, budget and are specifically programmed to your needs. If you wish to know more about our hearing aids, feel free to reach out to our team. You can call us on 1300 364 007. We will be happy to assist you.