Custom Made Ear Plugs Melbourne

Active Audiology offers a range of custom-made earplugs for different uses. All custom earplugs are made specifically for your ears.
The first step to making your plugs is taking an impression of your ear.

  • Taking an impression of your ear: Our Audiologist will syringe a silicone based material into the ear canal and outer ear to determine the shape and size of your ear. The painless process usually takes around 5--‐10 minutes, and you will feel coolness in the ear while the material is setting.
  • Getting your customized plugs made: Your impressions are then sent away to a manufacturer and the earplugs are custom made to the shape of your ear. Within 10--‐14 days your custom earplugs will be ready. Active Audiology provides a carry case, cleaning tool and pre/post fitting appointments when you have your Custom Earplugs made by us.
  • Warranty: Custom earplugs also have a 30 day warranty starting from the day you receive them. If there are any issues with the fit or comfort of the plugs in that period, let us know as soon as possible and we will sort the problem out for you.
  • Lifespan: Custom earplugs can generally last up to 5 years of continued use, or until your ears change shape.
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